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My Eagle Scout Project, Operation: Help the Homeless was a huge success!! Thank you so much to all of the volunteers (MTHS Key Club, Girl Scout Troop 81809, Pack 3 Cub Scouts, & Troop 60 Boy Scouts), and the residents of Monroe for coming out to help assemble the bags!! I was able to assemble over 500 Bags, which will be given out to the homelessness in the New Jersey/ New York Tristate Area! A special THANK YOU to all of the Donors that helped donated supplies to help with my event. I wouldn’tI wouldn’t have been able to complete this project without your help, so THANK YOU! I am now one step closer to earning my Eagle Rank, so I can’t wait to share the next steps with you! And lastly, and huge THANK YOU Kevin Garrison and Blessing Bag Brigade, for being my beneficiary to this project as well to my family and friends for coming! I really appreciate it!!